About us
The iTS AAR Senior Team brings a wealth of first-hand experience of After Action Review in both safety critical contexts and demanding business environments and we are all passionate about sharing its incredible value with others.

Mike Maguire
Head of Healthcare AAR
Mike has a reputation of catalysing and implementing innovation in the NHS. An award-winning pharmacist by trade, Mike has brought his skills, knowledge, and experience into the iTS AAR Healthcare Team. He is still active within the healthcare arena and is an elected member of the Board of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. Mike has served as an Honorary Lecturer at Durham and Newcastle Universities and is currently strategically advising Teesside University School of Pharmacy. Mike also provides Clinical Advice to his local NHS Integrated Care Board, and he loves transforming healthcare to become more effective, benefitting the stakeholders within it, and most importantly, benefitting our patients and population.

Jill Threadgold
Business Consultant
Jill brings her training as a psychotherapist, significant experience of coaching and mentoring senior leaders and an interesting commercial career to her work as a key member of our ITS AAR team. Whether it’s leading the debriefing of the filmed AARs during the ITS AAR Conductor Development Day, or leading iTS AARs with clients, Jill brings both sensitivity and strength to ensure the real value of After Action Review is achieved.

Elena Hinova-McNamee
Business Consultant
Elena specialised in team coaching at Team Coaching Studio UK, and she believes that sustained organisational thriving comes from shared team learning and collaboration. Her own philosophy, that a team is a beautiful synergistic force, and a team coach ignites this force through loving and trusting presence is also realised in her role as an AAR Conductor and AAR Conductor Trainer. Elena has an engaging and energetic style and openly challenges her clients in the safe environment of the AAR and BAR .

Antony Tinker
Leading Director
Antony’s first introduction to After Action Review (AAR) came when he worked closely with the late Professor Aidan Halligan, Director of Education at University College London Hospitals Foundation Trust (UCLH) in 2008 to develop a faculty of After Action Review trainers. The AAR approach was being rolled out throughout the organisation to increase patient safety and shift the culture from blame to learn and Antony’s expertise in facilitation and leadership development were instrumental in creating a development pathway for AAR Conductors.
Since seeing for himself the impact of AAR on team performance at UCLH, Antony has helped numerous businesses benefit from having AAR fully embedded in their culture and is determined that this highly effective approach gives many more companies the same competitive advantage.

Tim Sandiford OBE
Senior Leadership Consultant
Tims’ experience of After Action Review is deeply embedded in the whole of his career in the British Military where it is an essential part of all operations but his expertise in AAR came during the part of his career spent preparing his own and other teams for deployments on operations around the world. The learning acquired through AAR is a fundamental part of the preparation of soldiers for active deployments as well as during operations and Tim has considerable experience in leading AARs in both contexts.
Tim’s expertise in the military use of AAR has helped us further develop the approach we developed in the clinical context and the resulting adaptations mean the iTS AAR approach is perfectly suited to the corporate environment.

Liz Babb
Head of Leadership Operations
Liz’s expertise as a facilitator and mentor are essential components of the highly rated iTS AAR Conductor Development Day, we deliver for businesses introducing the iTS AAR approach. Having initially been introduced to AAR at a conductor training at UCLH in 2011, Liz has a strong understanding and working knowledge of AAR and, having introduced the concept and conducted AARs, has witnessed first-hand its enormous value. Liz’s talent for making strong connections with individuals and her warm, down to earth style mean she is a firm favourite with our clients as they learn all they need to be excellent iTS AAR Conductors.
From our clients
“All activities with iTS Leadership were well planned out, considered and each time were exactly the right intervention for the situation.”
“I’d highly recommend the implementation of AAR in any organisation and if the needs require it. A formal AAR is an amazing way to identify what needs to happen, why and how.”
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